OK, so I’ve been bad about taking pictures of all the fun stuff that’s been happening to me lately. The launch party at Sherlock’s Books in Lebanon went by without pictures. The signing at Davis-Kidd, ditto, along with – of course – the TV interview. There were people taking pictures at Killer Nashville last weekend, but I wasn’t among them, so if there are pictures of me floating around out there, I haven’t seen’em. I also forgot the camera when I did Evening with an Author at Tinney Contemporary last Thursday night.
But today, I remembered the camera. I even remembered to put batteries in it before I left. Therefore, I am able to give you the following three photos from Mysteries and More, the only bona fide “mysteries only” bookstore in Nashville!
Here I am with Mary and Gregg Bruss, the lovely owners of Mysteries and More; thank you so much for having me!
Here I am with my independent publicist, Tom Robinson from Author and Book Media, without whom Spackled and Spooked as well as Fatal Fixer-Upper would be in a lot fewer places.
And here I am with one of the many lovely folks who came out to support me and Mysteries and More by buying one or both of my books! Thanks so much to all of you!

If you’re interested in an autographed copy of Fatal Fixer-Upper or Spackled and Spooked, talk to Greg and Mary; they’ve got’em! You can order from Mysteries and More right HERE.
That’s it for now; I’m done with signings and appearances until the Southern Festival of Books in October. It’s time to get busy writing DIY#4, tentatively titled Mortar and Murder.
Catch you later!
Thanks for sharing your photos with us.