Happy Release Day To Me… and you!

DITCHING DAVID has entered the world. 🙂


When Gina Beaufort Kelly’s husband leaves her for a woman young enough to be his daughter, Gina doesn’t get mad… she gets even.

Or at least she tries to, by targeting David’s assets in the divorce. She spent eighteen years of her life with him; it’s only fair that he should compensate her accordingly.

However, David doesn’t agree, and when he ends up dead, on the evening before they were set to go before the judge, the police suspect foul play—and suspect that Gina’s behind it.

Now this jilted wife must figure out who else wanted her soon-to-be-ex-husband dead—and why—before she loses everything, including her freedom.


If you haven’t read the excerpts and would like to, here they are:

Part 1 – includes Chapter 1, 2 and 3

Part 2 – includes Chapters 4 and 5

Part 3 – includes Chapters 6 and 7

For 8 throug 21, you’ll just have to buy the book, I’m afraid. 


6 thoughts on “Happy Release Day To Me… and you!”

      1. Wow! I never write to authors however finished the Savannah Martin series WAITING for #10 and madly in love with Rafe, also love Savannah’s wit and her mother. So continued on to Ditching David and cannot wait for the next one. So glad I found you!!! Thanks.

        1. Awww, thank you so much. 🙂 I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the books so far. Savannah-10 will be coming in June. I’m hoping to have two more Gina books done this fall. Fingers crossed. 🙂

  1. Loved Ditching David! When is the next one coming out? Do you have a preview?!
    Can’t wait for the next Savannah Martin book either.
    Your writing is so fluid and entertaining. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to.

    1. Awww, thanks. 🙂 The next Gina book will be called Stalking Steven, and probably won’t be out until fall. I wrote a couple of chapters on it, and then stopped when it was time to start the next Savannah book, which is due out sooner. At the moment, the official release date for Savannah-10 – which does *not* have a title – is June 6th, but there’s a chance that might change, depending on whether or not I manage to fit a wedding into the book. If there’s a wedding at the end, it’s June 6th. If there’s no wedding, it could be sooner, and then I’ll have to try to get a wedding novella out in June. But either way, it’s coming. 🙂

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